Band Crypto: A Cross-Chain Data Oracle Platform

What is Band Crypto?

Band Crypto, also known as Band Protocol, is a decentralized data oracle platform that connects real-world data and APIs to smart contracts on various blockchains. An oracle is a service that provides external data to smart contracts, such as price feeds, weather information, sports results, and more. Oracles are essential for enabling smart contracts to interact with the real world and execute complex logic based on real-world events.

Band Crypto aims to provide fast, scalable, secure, and reliable data oracles for any blockchain and any application. Band Crypto supports multiple data sources, such as web APIs, premium APIs, IoT data, and enterprise data. Band Crypto also supports multiple data types, such as numeric, binary, and string. Band Crypto allows developers to customize their own data oracle scripts using WebAssembly (Wasm), a low-level bytecode format that can run on any blockchain.

Band Crypto has its own native token, BAND, which is used for various purposes within the platform. BAND is used as collateral by validators who process data requests and provide data proofs. BAND is also used as a payment method by data consumers who request data from the platform. BAND is also used as a governance token by token holders who can vote on protocol parameters and upgrades.

How does Band Crypto work?

Band Crypto consists of two main components: BandChain and BandChain Oracle. BandChain is a blockchain that runs on the Cosmos network using the Cosmos SDK. BandChain is responsible for aggregating and validating data from various sources and providing proofs of validity to other blockchains. BandChain Oracle is a set of smart contracts that run on different blockchains and interact with BandChain to request and verify data.

The process of requesting and providing data through Band Crypto can be summarized as follows:

  • A data consumer (such as a DApp developer) deploys a BandChain Oracle smart contract on their target blockchain (such as Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain) and specifies the data source, query parameters, and minimum number of validators required for the data request.
  • The BandChain Oracle smart contract emits an event that contains the data request details and transfers the required amount of BAND tokens from the data consumer to the smart contract.
  • The event is detected by a relayer service that bridges BandChain and the target blockchain. The relayer service submits the data request to BandChain along with the BAND tokens.
  • The data request is randomly assigned to a subset of validators on BandChain based on their stake weight and availability. The validators execute the data oracle script using Wasm and retrieve the data from the specified source.
  • The validators aggregate the data using a predefined aggregation function (such as median or average) and submit their data reports to BandChain along with cryptographic signatures.
  • The data reports are verified by other validators on BandChain using a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus algorithm. If the minimum number of validators agree on the same data value, the data request is finalized and the result is stored on BandChain along with a proof of validity.
  • The relayer service monitors BandChain for new data results and submits them back to the BandChain Oracle smart contract on the target blockchain along with the proof of validity.
  • The BandChain Oracle smart contract verifies the proof of validity using a light client verification algorithm and emits an event that contains the data result.
  • The data consumer can listen to the event and use the data result in their smart contract logic.

What are the benefits of Band Crypto?

Band Crypto offers several benefits for both data providers and consumers, such as:

  • Speed: Band Crypto claims to provide sub-second latency for data requests and responses, making it suitable for time-sensitive applications such as DeFi protocols, prediction markets, and gaming platforms.
  • Scalability: Band Crypto leverages the scalability of Cosmos network, which can process thousands of transactions per second with low fees. Band Crypto also allows parallel processing of multiple data requests by different subsets of validators, increasing the throughput of the platform.
  • Security: Band Crypto ensures the security and reliability of data by requiring validators to stake BAND tokens as collateral and penalizing them for providing incorrect or malicious data. Band Crypto also uses cryptographic proofs to verify the validity of data across different blockchains without trusting any intermediary.
  • Flexibility: Band Crypto enables developers to create their own custom data oracle scripts using Wasm, which can support any type of data source and aggregation function. Band Crypto also supports cross-chain compatibility with any blockchain that supports smart contracts, such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polkadot, Solana, etc.
  • Governance: Band Crypto empowers token holders to participate in the governance of the platform by voting on protocol parameters and upgrades. Token holders can also propose new features or improvements for the platform.


Band Crypto is a decentralized data oracle platform that connects real-world data and APIs to smart contracts on various blockchains. Band Crypto provides fast, scalable, secure, and reliable data oracles for any blockchain and any application. Band Crypto has its own native token, BAND, which is used for collateral, payment, and governance within the platform. Band Crypto is one of the leading projects in the oracle space, competing with other platforms such as Chainlink, API3, and The Graph.

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