How to Find Credible Crypto Twitter Accounts to Follow

Crypto Twitter is a sub-community on Twitter composed of developers, investors, and enthusiasts who regularly discuss cryptocurrencies and other forms of blockchain technology. Crypto Twitter can be a valuable source of information, insights, and opinions for anyone interested in the crypto space. However, it can also be a noisy, chaotic, and sometimes misleading place, where scams, shills, and trolls abound. How can you find credible crypto twitter accounts to follow and avoid the ones that are not worth your time? Here are some tips and criteria to help you out.

Check the Profile and Background

The first thing you should do when you encounter a crypto twitter account is to check their profile and background. Look for the following information:

  • Name and bio: Does the account have a real name and a clear bio that describes who they are and what they do in the crypto space? Or is it an anonymous or generic account with no personal details?
  • Verification: Is the account verified by Twitter with a blue checkmark? This means that Twitter has confirmed the identity of the account owner. Verification is not a guarantee of credibility, but it can help weed out some impostors and scammers.
  • Followers and following: How many followers and following does the account have? A large number of followers can indicate popularity and influence, but it can also be inflated by bots or paid services. A large number of following can indicate engagement and interest, but it can also be a sign of spamming or follow-for-follow schemes.
  • Tweets and retweets: What kind of tweets and retweets does the account post? Are they informative, insightful, and relevant to the crypto space? Or are they promotional, hype-driven, or off-topic? Do they provide sources, evidence, or analysis for their claims? Or are they based on rumors, speculation, or personal opinions?

Look for Expertise and Experience

The next thing you should look for is the expertise and experience of the crypto twitter account. Look for the following indicators:

  • Credentials: Does the account have any credentials or qualifications that demonstrate their knowledge and skills in the crypto space? For example, do they have a degree, certification, or affiliation with a reputable institution or organization related to crypto?
  • Projects: Does the account have any projects or contributions that showcase their work and achievements in the crypto space? For example, do they have a website, blog, podcast, newsletter, book, or course related to crypto? Do they have a GitHub profile, portfolio, or resume that displays their code or products related to crypto?
  • Reputation: Does the account have a good reputation and recognition in the crypto space? For example, do they have any awards, honors, endorsements, or testimonials from reputable sources or peers related to crypto? Do they have any media appearances, interviews, or publications related to crypto?

Evaluate the Quality and Consistency

The last thing you should evaluate is the quality and consistency of the crypto twitter account. Look for the following aspects:

  • Accuracy: Is the account accurate and reliable in their tweets and retweets? Do they fact-check their information and correct their mistakes? Do they avoid spreading misinformation, disinformation, or fake news?
  • Objectivity: Is the account objective and unbiased in their tweets and retweets? Do they disclose their conflicts of interest and affiliations? Do they avoid promoting or shilling certain coins or projects for personal gain?
  • Value: Is the account valuable and helpful in their tweets and retweets? Do they provide useful information, insights, or advice for their followers? Do they educate, inform, or entertain their audience?
  • Engagement: Is the account engaging and responsive in their tweets and retweets? Do they interact with their followers and other crypto twitter accounts? Do they answer questions, solicit feedback, or start discussions?


Crypto Twitter can be a great resource for anyone interested in the crypto space. However, not all crypto twitter accounts are created equal. Some are credible and trustworthy, while others are not. To find credible crypto twitter accounts to follow, you should check their profile and background, look for their expertise and experience, and evaluate their quality and consistency. By doing so, you can filter out the noise and find the signal in the crypto twitter sphere.

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