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Horde Crypto: A New Way to Trade and Invest in Crypto Portfolios

Horde Crypto

What is Horde Crypto?

Horde Crypto is a protocol that allows users to create and trade tokenized baskets of cryptocurrencies, also known as ETFs (exchange-traded funds). These ETFs are based on the portfolio data of market-leading influencers, funds, or traders, who are called Champions in the Horde ecosystem. By following the Champions, users can access their best-performing strategies and benefit from their expertise.

How does Horde Crypto work?

Horde Crypto consists of two key smart contracts: the Champion Contract and the Mirror Contract. The Champion Contract is a smart contract that broadcasts the Champion’s portfolio data to the Mirror Contract. The Champion’s followers can deposit funds to a Mirror Contract, which always acquires the assets in the proportion represented by the Champion’s portfolio. Once funds are in the Mirror Contract, a token is minted to reflect its deposits, and it is then distributed to the accounts that deposited funds to the Mirror Contract. This token is essentially the tokenized portfolio of the Champion, and is redeemable for the underlying value held in the Mirror Contract. The ETF tokens can be traded on the Horde DEX, an orderbook decentralized exchange.

What are the benefits of Horde Crypto?

Horde Crypto offers several benefits for both Champions and followers. For Champions, Horde Crypto provides a way to monetize their reputation and influence in the crypto space. They can earn fees from their followers who invest in their portfolios, as well as from trading commissions on the Horde DEX. They can also showcase their performance and attract more followers by ranking on the Horde leaderboard.

For followers, Horde Crypto provides a way to access diversified and optimized crypto portfolios without having to do extensive research or manage multiple wallets. They can simply choose a Champion that matches their risk profile and investment goals, and follow their portfolio with one click. They can also benefit from the liquidity and transparency of the Horde DEX, where they can trade their ETF tokens with other users or redeem them for their underlying assets.

What is the HORD token?

The HORD token is the native utility token of the Horde Crypto protocol. It has several use cases, such as:

  • Staking: Users can stake HORD tokens to participate in governance and earn rewards from network fees.
  • Governance: Users can vote on proposals that affect the protocol parameters, such as fee rates, reward distribution, listing criteria, etc.
  • Incentives: Users can earn HORD tokens by providing liquidity, trading, or referring new users to the protocol.
  • Access: Users can use HORD tokens to unlock premium features, such as exclusive portfolios, advanced analytics, etc.


Horde Crypto is a protocol that aims to revolutionize crypto trading and investing by enabling users to create and trade tokenized baskets of cryptocurrencies based on the portfolio data of market-leading influencers, funds, or traders. By following the Champions, users can access their best-performing strategies and benefit from their expertise. Horde Crypto also offers a decentralized exchange where users can trade their ETF tokens with other users or redeem them for their underlying assets. The HORD token is the native utility token of the protocol that powers its governance, incentives, and access mechanisms.

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