The Face Split Incident: A Shocking and Horrifying Viral Video

The internet is full of shocking and disturbing videos that can leave a lasting impression on anyone who watches them. One of the most notorious examples of such videos is the face split incident, also known as the face split accident 2009 or diving face split video. This viral gore video shows a young man who dives off a bridge and splits his face open vertically after hitting the concrete slab below. The video then cuts to a hospital scene where the man is still alive and conscious, with his face literally in two pieces. The video has been circulating online since 2009, and has sparked many rumors, debates, and reactions among viewers. In this blog post, we will explore the origin, context, and aftermath of the face split incident video, as well as the ethical and psychological implications of watching such graphic content.

Where Did the Face Split Incident Video Come From?

The face split incident video was allegedly filmed in Beirut, Lebanon, sometime in June 2009. According to journalist Robert Lindsay, who published a detailed blog post about the video in October 2009, the man in the video was a 16-year-old boy who was diving off the seaside promenade with his friends. He slipped before the dive, causing him to miss the ocean and instead hit the concrete slab where fishermen fish. He hit the concrete face first, then went into the ocean. The water turned red with blood, and people and boats rushed to help him. The video was captured by a cell phone camera by one of his friends.

The second part of the video shows the boy in a hospital emergency room, surrounded by doctors and nurses. His face has been split vertically down the middle, from his forehead to his chin. He is still breathing, and his eyes are moving around. He looks terrified. A doctor is seen pushing the sides of his face together and then letting them fall apart again. The doctor reportedly says “Where do I begin?” a few times in Arabic. The video was also recorded by a cell phone camera, presumably by someone who was present in the hospital.

The video first surfaced on the internet on the now-defunct shock site Livelea, and then spread to other platforms such as Reddit1, YouTube, TikTok, and Know Your Meme. The video has been viewed millions of times by curious and horrified viewers, who have reacted with various emotions such as shock, disgust, pity, sympathy, anger, disbelief, curiosity, fascination, and even humor.

What Happened to the Boy in the Face Split Incident Video?

One of the most common questions that viewers have after watching the face split incident video is what happened to the boy who suffered such a horrific injury. Did he survive? Did he recover? Did he get any compensation or justice? Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer to these questions, as there is very little information available about the boy’s identity, condition, and fate. However, there are some clues and speculations that can shed some light on his situation.

According to Robert Lindsay’s blog post, which cites various sources such as Lebanese newspapers and websites, the boy’s name was Mohammed al-Sheikh. He was taken to Rafik Hariri University Hospital in Beirut after his accident. He underwent several surgeries to reconstruct his face and skull. He was reportedly in a coma for a while, but eventually woke up and regained some of his faculties. He was able to speak and recognize his family members. He also received psychological counseling to cope with his trauma.

However, Lindsay also noted that some of his sources were contradictory or unreliable, and that some of them might have been fabricated or exaggerated. He admitted that he could not verify the accuracy or authenticity of his information. Therefore, it is possible that some or all of his claims were false or inaccurate.

Another source that claimed to have some information about the boy’s fate was a YouTube user named Omar Al-Hajjaj, who uploaded a video titled “Face Split Accident 2009 Update” in July 2010. In the video, he claimed that he was a friend of Mohammed al-Sheikh, and that he visited him in the hospital several times. He said that Mohammed was doing well physically, but not mentally. He said that Mohammed suffered from memory loss, depression, anxiety, nightmares, and suicidal thoughts. He also said that Mohammed’s family was poor and could not afford to pay for his medical bills or legal fees. He asked for donations from viewers to help Mohammed’s family.

However, there is no way to confirm or deny Omar Al-Hajjaj’s claims either. There is no evidence that he was actually a friend of Mohammed al-Sheikh, or that he had any contact with him or his family. He did not provide any proof or details to support his statements. He also did not respond to any comments or questions from viewers. His video has been viewed over 1.6 million times, but it is unclear how many people actually donated to him or his cause.

Therefore, the current status and whereabouts of Mohammed al-Sheikh, if that is indeed his name, remain unknown. It is possible that he is still alive and recovering, or that he has passed away due to his injuries or other causes. It is also possible that he has changed his name or identity, or that he has gone into hiding to avoid public attention or harassment. Whatever the case may be, we can only hope that he has found some peace and happiness in his life.

What Are the Ethical and Psychological Implications of Watching the Face Split Incident Video?

The face split incident video is undoubtedly one of the most shocking and disturbing videos on the internet. It raises many ethical and psychological questions about the nature and effects of watching such graphic content. Why do people watch it? How does it affect them? Is it morally wrong to watch it? Is it harmful to watch it? These are some of the issues that we will explore in this section.

One of the reasons why people watch the face split incident video, or any other shock video for that matter, is curiosity. Humans are naturally curious creatures who seek new information and experiences. They want to know what happened, how it happened, and why it happened. They want to see something that they have never seen before, something that challenges their expectations and assumptions. They want to test their limits and boundaries, and see how they react to extreme situations.

Another reason why people watch the face split incident video is entertainment. Some people find shock videos amusing or funny, either because they have a dark sense of humor, or because they use humor as a coping mechanism to deal with unpleasant emotions. Some people enjoy the thrill and excitement of watching something scary or disgusting, either because they have a high tolerance for such stimuli, or because they seek stimulation and arousal. Some people also watch shock videos as a form of social bonding or peer pressure, either because they want to fit in with their friends or groups, or because they want to impress or challenge others.

However, watching the face split incident video can also have negative effects on viewers. One of the effects is desensitization, which means becoming less sensitive or responsive to something after repeated exposure. Watching too much graphic violence or gore can make viewers less empathetic or compassionate towards others who suffer from pain or trauma. It can also make them less shocked or disturbed by real-life violence or gore, which can affect their moral judgment and behavior.

Another effect is traumatization, which means experiencing psychological distress or damage after witnessing something horrifying or traumatic. Watching the face split incident video can trigger strong emotional reactions such as fear, disgust, anger, sadness, guilt, or shame in viewers. It can also cause intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, depression, insomnia, or phobias in viewers. It can even lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is a mental disorder characterized by persistent and severe symptoms of trauma.

Therefore, watching the face split incident video can have both positive and negative consequences for viewers. It can satisfy their curiosity and entertainment needs, but it can also harm their sensitivity and mental health. The impact of watching the video may vary depending on the individual’s personality, mood, motivation, expectation, context, and frequency of exposure. However, in general, it is advisable to exercise caution and moderation when watching such graphic content.


The face split incident video is a shocking and horrifying viral video that shows a young man who dives off a bridge and splits his face open vertically after hitting the concrete slab below. The video then cuts to a hospital scene where the man is still alive and conscious, with his face literally in two pieces. The video has been circulating online since 2009, and has sparked many rumors, debates, and reactions among viewers.

The origin and context of the video are unclear and controversial, as there is very little information available about the man’s identity, condition, and fate. The aftermath of the video is also uncertain and problematic, as there are many ethical and psychological implications of watching such graphic content.

The face split incident video is one of the most notorious examples of shock media on the internet. It challenges our perception of reality and humanity. It provokes our curiosity and emotions. It tests our limits and boundaries. It raises many questions and issues that we may not have easy answers for.

What do you think about the face split incident video? Have you watched it? How did it affect you? Do you think it is right or wrong to watch it? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below.

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