Netflix Cuties Disturbing Scenes: Why You Should Avoid This Movie

Netflix Cuties is a French movie that was released on the streaming platform in September 2020. The movie follows the story of an 11-year-old girl named Amy, who joins a dance group called “the Cuties” and engages in sexualized and provocative behaviors. The movie has sparked a lot of controversy and backlash for its depiction of underage girls in inappropriate and exploitative ways. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most disturbing scenes in Netflix Cuties and why you should avoid watching this movie.

The Audition Scene

One of the most disturbing scenes in Netflix Cuties is the audition scene, where Amy and her friends try to impress a group of older boys by dancing in a suggestive manner. The scene shows the girls twerking, grinding, and touching themselves in front of the boys, who laugh and mock them. The scene is uncomfortable and cringeworthy to watch, as it portrays the girls as objects of sexual desire for the male gaze. The scene also shows how the girls are influenced by social media and pop culture, which promote unrealistic and harmful standards of beauty and sexuality for young girls.

The Bathroom Scene

Another disturbing scene in Netflix Cuties is the bathroom scene, where Amy takes a picture of her private parts and uploads it on social media. The scene shows how Amy is desperate for attention and validation, as she resorts to exposing herself online. The scene also shows how Amy is unaware of the consequences and dangers of sharing such intimate and personal information on the internet, where it can be seen and exploited by anyone. The scene is shocking and disgusting to watch, as it exposes the vulnerability and innocence of Amy, who is manipulated by the peer pressure and the toxic culture of the Cuties.

The Final Dance Scene

The final dance scene in Netflix Cuties is perhaps the most disturbing scene in the movie, where Amy and her friends perform at a dance competition in front of a large audience. The scene shows the girls wearing skimpy outfits and performing highly sexualized and vulgar moves, such as spreading their legs, thrusting their hips, and licking their fingers. The scene is disturbing and nauseating to watch, as it shows how the girls are exploited and sexualized by the adults who are supposed to protect them. The scene also shows how the girls are alienated and rejected by the audience, who boo and jeer at them. The scene is a clear example of how Netflix Cuties fails to deliver its intended message of criticizing the hypersexualization of young girls, but instead glorifies and normalizes it.


Netflix Cuties is a movie that claims to be a coming-of-age drama that explores the issues of identity, culture, and sexuality for young girls. However, the movie fails to do so in a respectful and meaningful way, but instead exploits and sexualizes underage girls in disturbing and disgusting ways. The movie has been widely criticized and boycotted by many viewers, who have accused it of promoting pedophilia and child abuse. Netflix Cuties is a movie that you should avoid watching at all costs, as it will only leave you feeling disgusted and outraged.

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